How To Get Referrals

Don't forget to check below my payment proof and my 100 referrals!

A big part of my method of making money online is getting referrals, but it’s easier said than done. Getting referrals can seem like an imposable task at times but you need to put effort into it. So i made this post to help people get referrals. In this tutorial I'll use the Adfly as an example.

How to get referrals for Adfly

In case you don't know how the Adfly Referral program works check this post here:

Site owner method

  1. Brand yourself as a leader and owner of a advertising company (please don't pretend you are the owner of adfly but the owner of your own subsidiary). 
  2. Visit several blogs that contain a good amount of traffic and contact web masters (use alexa). Use their contact form and tell them you would like to advertise on their website. 
  3. Let them know that they will get paid $4 for every 1000 visitors on your blog and that they will receive payments every 1st Monday each month if they reached a minimum of $5. 
  4.  You will need to make your own site (no bloggers, wordpress,etc). You can buy a .info for $1 for 1 year at 1&1 (nets or coms are better). If you can afford it, get GVO. Your site should contain all the details including the payout rates. 
  5. Don't leave out any details and don't fake any information (against terms). Don't link to's payout rates but rather just put the info on your site. 
  6. Show on your site that they need to navigate to tools and website entry and use images as well (videos are better or both). 
  7.  Make a sign up button. This button should direct them to and automatically open up the sign up process. Some people may just fill out the info right then in there, sign up, and put the entry script on their blog. 
  8. They get paid by adfly while you earn commissions! 

Use Forums

You should try free advertising forums such as and . You can make your own free forums at sites like and post your referral links as a sticky so it will atay at the top of the forum.

Forum signatures can be an effortless way of getting referrals, remember to check that advertising on signatures is allowed you could get banned. All you need to do is go to; referrals, copy the code they provide you and paste onto the signature! Here is a signature i use to get referrals for

Most money making sites provide banners that you can use. To get the image URL right click on the banner/image and left click on copy image URL.

Tell Your Friends And Family

If you have earned money from the site your trying to get referrals for, show them the check! That is all it will take to hook people in. Tell your friends on Msn, Bebo, Facebook, Twitter just don’t spam and again prove it with the check.


Sites like,,, and many others can be a great way to get referrals. Simply make a video about the site you want referrals for and put the referral link in the description. Dead simple and easy, although your video isn’t likely to be a huge hit you can still attract some people and if your currently even slightly popular on any video site you have more of a chance of getting referrals.

Payment proof here: LINK

My referrals (almost 100!!): LINK

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